Monday, January 2, 2017

Native Bee coloring page

Most bees are not yellow and black like we see in the cartoons. Instead, bees come in a rainbow of colors, from red, yellow and orange, to blue, green and purple.

We decided to make a coloring page to celebrate native pollinators, free for you to download. While most mason bees come in shades of blue, green and purple, we would love to see how you decide to decorate this bee.

To download a .pdf version of this, click the page tab above that says "Bee Coloring Page"

Please share your creations with us on our facebook page (, on our instagram (@the_bees_in_your_backyard), or on Twitter (@BeesBackyard).


  1. Do you have a way we can printout the coloring page without having to download the image and pasting it into a doc?

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  3. Hello,

    New to blogs, so I'm probably in the wrong spot. I was hoping to purchase a digital copy of the bee poster to have with me on my urban hikes. Is that possible?

    1. Hi Stephanie, we are not currently making a digital copy of the poster available yet. Sorry about that.

  4. Hi, I'm from Peru, I would like todo get a digital copy (PDF) of the native bees coloring page, my E-mail is: thanks.

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